Theresa Romain, Historical Author!

I'm happy to introduce Theresa Romain to the blog today!
She is the bestselling author of historical romances, including the Matchmaker trilogy, the Holiday Pleasures series, the Royal Reward series, and the Romance of the Turf trilogy. Praised as “one of the rising stars of Regency historical romance” (Booklist), her highly acclaimed novels have been chosen for the Smart Bitches Trashy Books Sizzling Book Club, featured in the DABWAHA tournament, and deemed “Desert Isle Keepers” by All About Romance. A member of Romance Writers of America and its Regency specialty chapter The Beau Monde, Theresa is hard at work on her next novel from her home in the Midwest.

Her latest release is Secrets of a Scandalous Heiress. Check out the story blurb or click on the link below to buy the book.


Heiress Augusta Meredith can’t help herself—she stirs up gossip wherever she goes. A stranger to Bath society, she pretends to be a charming young widow, until sardonic, darkly handsome Joss Everett arrives from London and uncovers her charade.  Now they’ll weave their way through the pitfalls of the polite world only if they’re willing to be true to themselves…and to each other...


Theresa Romain and I at the B&N Book signing on September 12th, 2015.

Jan Schliesman: How often do you Get Lost In A Story?
Theresa Romain: Every day! If I’m not writing one, I’m reading one. I work on my latest manuscript 6 or 7 days a week, and I always end the day by reading.

Jan:  How long have you been writing? What was your first Big Break?
Theresa: I’ve been writing fiction since the beginning of 2008. My break into publishing came when I entered an RWA chapter contest and won—and the editor who judged the finals wanted to buy my manuscript! Two years later, it appeared in print as my romance debut, Season for Temptation. And I’m still working with that editor, along with lots of other lovely folks.

Jan:  What is your definition of romance?
Image result for pictures of romanceTheresa: In a book? There has to be an HEA. In real life? Something that shows caring for the other person’s likes and dislikes. An everyday example: my husband could not care less about making the bed, but he knows I like it. So if he gets up after me, he makes the bed. Most romance is made up of little everyday gestures.

Jan: It was love at first sight when I met my Mr. Wonderful. How did you meet your husband?
Theresa: That sounds like a great story, Jan! I’d love to hear more about that:)
I met my husband when we were both grad students in history. We met not in class, but in the TA office. I went in there to talk to a friend, and he was in there studying and glaring at me…or so I thought. Turns out he was trying to eavesdrop so he could figure out who I was. The rest is…well, history.

Jan: What’s the most difficult part of the writing process for you?
Theresa: Getting started! That’s getting started each day, and also getting a new manuscript going. I try to be very organized, but the dark side of that is that I get distracted by all the to-dos that pop up each day. Time management is a work in progress for me.

Jan: I drink Dasani or hot tea and nibble on gummy bears when I’m writing. What about you?
Theresa: Coffee coffee coffee. And water, too. I guess I am all about the beverages. Sometimes on winter afternoons I make tea. I like Constant Comment or herbal tea with those sweet wintry spices.

London from the London EyeJan:  Have you visited any of the locations you’ve written about? Where would you love to visit?
Theresa: I’ve been to several countries in Europe, but never to most of the places in England I write about. As a historical romance author, I try to travel in time as well as space, so I research how locations would have looked, smelled, sounded 200 years ago.
As for where I’d like to visit—that’s hard to say. I’d love to go to England, but I’d like to just BE there and not have to go through the overseas travel. I’ve had horrible air travel experiences and have gotten to a point where I have a hard time putting myself through that.

Jan:  What’s on your bucket list?
Theresa: I have tunnel vision right now for my next deadline—so that’s at the top of the list! But making the New York Times or USA Today bestseller list sounds great too. Maybe someday.
Jan:  Tell me about getting your first fan letter/email/FB post.
Theresa: After my first romance came out, I got a Goodreads message from a reader. She said she was writing because she saw that it was my debut, and “I wanted you to know that someone out there in the world really was touched by it.” I saved that note, of course! It meant the world to me to know that my book had connected with a reader’s heart. That’s always my hope for my stories. Four years and seven books later, hearing from readers still means just as much to me.


Theresa’s GOTTA ANSWER:Coconut! Coconut is my favorite flavor of anything sweet. I can’t resist a dessert with coconut in it.

THANKS THERESA! It's been wonderful getting to know you. Readers, be sure to scroll down to the Rafflecopter for your chance to WIN an autographed copy of Secrets of a Scandalous Heiress!  You can also follow the links to Theresa's Facebook page where she's giving away an autographed copy of my book, Protecting His Brother's Bride!


UP NEXT for Theresa: The Sport of Baronets, a digital novella that will begin an all-new romance series set in the Regency horse-racing world.

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