Get Lost with Sandra Owens and Falling for Her

I'm hosting another one of my Golden Heart sisters today, Sandra Owens.  We were finalists together in 2013 - the Lucky 13s.  But it isn't luck that brought her here, it's talent.  She's celebrating the release of FALLING FOR HER, the 3rd book in her K2 Special Services Series.  (Love these books.)

A best selling, award winning author, Sandra Owens lives in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Her family and friends often question her sanity, but have ceased being surprised by what she might get up to next. She's jumped out of a plane, flown in an aerobatic plane while the pilot performed death-defying stunts, has flown Air Combat (two fighter planes dogfighting, pretending to shoot at each other with laser guns), and rode a Harley motorcycle for years. She regrets nothing.

Sandra is a 2013 Golden Heart® Finalist for her contemporary romance, CRAZY FOR HER. In addition to her contemporary romantic suspense novels, she writes Regency stories.

Amazing right?

I can't wait to get some time to sit down with FALLING FOR HER.

Known to the K2 Special Services team as “Saint,” Jamie Turner lives by his own strict rules to compensate for his past sins and the two-ton boulder taking residence in his heart. He doesn’t drink or smoke. He never swears. And he only dates nice, safe women until he meets Sugar Darling, the fill-in receptionist at K2. She’s as sweet as her name, but this wild woman is definitely trouble, with something to hide. He knows he should avoid her…but can he?

Sugar isn’t hiding something—she’s hiding everything. And K2 seems like the perfect place to lie low, thanks to the big, protective guys who work there. The drop-dead-handsome Saint makes her heart race, yet he keeps his distance. When Sugar’s traumatic past rises up to haunt her again, she desperately turns to Saint for help, and he has to decide what’s more important: playing it safe or risking everything for love.

Nan:  I love the sound of this one.  Can't wait to download it!

Click over to Amazon to get an excerpt.

Buy FALLING FOR HER  -  Amazon 


NAN: How often do you get lost in a story?
SANDRA: Hopefully, every time I read a book.

NAN: What’s the first book you remember reading?
SANDRA: A Nancy Drew book. I don’t remember which one, but I devoured those books and dreamed of a life of adventure like Nancy Drew had.
Nan:  They were fun.

NAN: What’s your favorite “love” word?
Nan:  Ahhh, I adore that.

NAN: What’s your favorite fairy tale? 
SANDRA: The Princess and the Pea. I have always had trouble falling asleep, and as a little girl, after reading this story, I just knew I could be a princess because I could pass the pea test.
Nan: You're a princess in my book! Are you left-handed.  They are insomniacs.

NAN: What’s your favorite cartoon character?
SANDRA: Tweety Bird. “I tawt I taw a putty tat!” Everything Tweety Bird says cracks me up.
Nan: Funny.

NAN:What turns you off like nothing else?
SANDRA: Rude people and green peppers.
Nan: I agree with the people - but green peppers -- num.

NAN: Can you tell us about a real-life hero you’ve met?
SANDRA: Yes, my mother. If you remember Edith Bunker from All in the Family, that was my mom. She had a heart of gold and was as dingy as Edith. I have so many stories about her that would put her in hero status.
Nan: That must have been fun growing up.

NAN: Fairy Tale or Action Adventure?
SANDRA: Action Adventure!
Nan: Of course!

NAN: Is there a playlist you’d recommend for reading your latest release?
SANDRA: No. I have an eclectic taste in music and I have one playlist of 60 songs that I listen to, and I couldn’t even begin to list them here.

NAN: Where do you read and how often?
SANDRA: Either on my front porch or in the living room while my husband watches TV, and I read every day.

NAN: What sound or noise do you love?
SANDRA: The sound of the ocean’s waves hitting the shore.
Nan: And you live in the mountains.

NAN: What was the first story you remember writing?
SANDRA: A play that I wrote (think I was about eight or nine) that I made my brother and sisters act in. My brother was the husband and I made him a salad from elephant ear leaves that I convinced him to eat (he was younger). Unfortunately, he ended up in the hospital, which didn’t bode well for my playwriting writing career.

NAN: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
SANDRA: Camelot A beautiful, yet sad movie about love and betrayal.

NAN: What is your biggest vice?
SANDRA: Books and wine.
Nan: I'm with you on those vices!

NAN:: Is there a “Blooper” in your story (it may have been changed before printing)?
SANDRA: You would ask that. A very big one in one of my Regencies, THE LETTER, which I, the developmental editor, the copy editor and the proofreader all missed. A reader emailed me, pointing it out. It referred to my heroine as performing her daily absolution instead of her ablution. That one was embarrassing!
Nan: I don't remember seeing it.  (Now I'll need to re-read THE LETTER - which I loved!)

NAN: How is it working with hot guys and sexy women all day?
SANDRA: Fascinating, for sure.

NAN: What is your favorite trait about your hero in the K2 series?
SANDRA: Logan from CRAZY FOR HER because of how he strives to be an honorable man.

NAN: What’s something you’d like to tell your fans?
SANDRA: That I love hearing from them.
Nan:  It is lovely to hear from readers.

NAN: What would you say is your most interesting quirk?
SANDRA: That I read the end of the book first.
Nan:  Wow. I couldn't do that.

NAN: What has been your most rewarding publishing moment?
SANDRA: Two things. The very first time I saw a book cover with my name on it. It was like, wow, this is real. The second thing was the first time one of my books got that Amazon bestseller banner.
Nan:  Wonderful memories.  Here's to many more Bestseller Banners!!

SANDRA: Thanks, Nan and Get Lost In A Story! I had a great time visiting with you today. 
Nan:  You are so welcome!  Thanks for stopping over.

SANDRA WANTS TO KNOW: Before I got serious about my writing I used to read five to six books a week. Now with the pressure of deadlines, I’m fortunate if I manage two books a week. How many to you average a week, and do you finish a book even if you find it’s not for you after a few pages or chapters in?   

Sandra is giving away an unabridged audio of FALLING FOR HER for one lucky commenter!

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