Get Lost With Sherrie Hansen!

Folks, please help me welcome Sherrie Hansen!
Twenty-four years ago, Sherrie rescued a dilapidated Victorian house in northern Iowa from the bulldozer's grips and turned it into a bed and breakfast and tea house, the Blue Belle Inn.  After 12 years of writing romance novels, Sherrie met and married her real-life hero, Mark Decker, a pastor. They now live in two different houses, 85 miles apart, and Sherrie writes on the run whenever she has a spare minute. Sherrie enjoys playing the piano, photography, traveling, and going on weekly adventures with her nieces and nephew. Sherrie writes contemporary romantic suspense for Second Wind Publishing and Indigo Sea Press. “Shy Violet” is Sherrie’s eighth book to be published.
When a poor choice leaves school teacher Violet Johansen stranded in the car park of Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland, Violet wonders if she’ll ever find her way back to her comfort zone. She has two choices – to trust a piper who looks exactly like someone she dated a decade ago, or a band of nefarious pirates. Pirates. Pipers. People and mistakes from the past that threaten to haunt you forever… A castle that’s been ravaged and rebuilt… Only time will tell if Violet and Nathan’s fragile new friendship survive the storm and see love reborn.

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ALEXA: How often do you get lost in a story?
SHERRIE:   I’m perpetually lost! If I’m not up reading half the night, I’m working on my latest story, murder mystery, or blog post. I take my Alphasmart or laptop with me wherever I go, and write while I’m riding in the car, or waiting for an appointment. I dream about my characters and wake up with complete conversations running through my mind. My husband always says there’s no “off” switch on my brain, and for better or worse, I think he’s right.

ALEXA: Is there a playlist you’d recommend for reading your latest release?
SHERRIE: I love listening to any kind of Celtic music when I’m writing books set in Scotland, but for Shy Violet in particular, it would have to be the Red Hot Chilli Pipers – fondly known as “bagpipers who rock”.

ALEXA: What is your biggest vice?
SHERRIE: I have two… Krispie Kreme glazed, cream-filled doughnuts and Scratch cupcakes (a moist, Iowan delicacy with buttercream frosting to die for). Well… three if you count All Lovin’ No Oven cookie dough sundaes from Cold Stone Creamery. 

ALEXA: If you couldn’t be a writer anymore, what profession would you take up?
SHERRIE: To be honest, I can’t imagine not being a writer. Writing is more “who I am” than what I do. I “do” my job as an innkeeper, hostess, entrepreneur, chef, pastor’s wife, musician, and public relations pro. I dabble in interior design. I just “am” a writer. Speaking as a master juggler of many career paths who’s getting older and more worn out by the day, I’m more likely to give up a profession than take up a new one.  For now, I’m just thankful I get to do it all and that I love what I do!   

ALEXA: What would you say is your most interesting quirk?
SHERRIE: I am known far and wide for my unique hats, and almost always wear one when I’m out and about. In my defense (because I admittedly spend a lot on my colorfully coordinated collection), I am convinced that my mad-hatter habit costs less than getting my hair colored and styled on a regular basis.

ALEXA: Which era would you least like to have lived in, fashion-wise and why? Most?
SHERRIE: No matter how appealing and cute the ladies looked, I would not have wanted to live in the medieval or Victorian era where women were laced up tight, made to wear restrictive corsets, and covered in layer upon layer of clothing. I hate tight clothing! I love the flapper dresses and adorable hats currently being featured on Downton Abbey. Definitely my style! 
ALEXA: What is your hero’s “kryptonite”? In other words, what will bring him instantly to his knees?
SHERRIE: Nathan’s “kryptonite” is his father.  That’s why, when he found out what happened between his father and Violet, he simply couldn’t handle it.

ALEXA: What will always make you smile, even on a bad day?
SHERRIE: See above. (Dan Aykroyd dancing.)

ALEXA: What inspires you daily?
SHERRIE: I’m a great fan of looking for beauty in my own backyard.  Sunsets, whatever flower is blooming in my garden, a crystalline snowfall in winter, the sugar maple tree outside my door… I love to travel, and find that a change in scenery lifts my spirits and rejuvenates my perspective tremendously. But in between trips, it’s the beauty that surrounds me that keeps me going.

ALEXA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
SHERRIE: There was a time in my life when something I had done in my past almost ruined my prospects for the future.  At the time… I mean, how could I have known? It was all so innocent. But as Violet soon learns, forgiveness is one thing, but everything we do still has repercussions.  That’s how Violet’s story was born. The backdrop of Eilean Donan castle was cinched the second I heard and saw “Nathan” playing his pipes.

ALEXA: What’s your favorite rerun?
SHERRIE: Even though I’ve seen “Rules of Engagement” dozens of time, Jeff and Audrey always make me laugh.

ALEXA: What’s the last show you binge watched?
SHERRIE: Chopped. I admit it. I’m hooked.

SHERRIE:I’ve always had a thing for Dan Aykroyd. He’s cool, tall, musical, and has a sexy, smirky smile. And… the man can move. I’m a pushover for a great dancer. Natural rhythm is such a turn on.   

I’m currently working on Sweet William, the next of my Wildflowers of Scotland novels, slated for release in June 2016. I’m half done, and plan to use NaNoWriMo to finish the rough draft.   

SHERRIE: I’ve written four wildflowers of Scotland novels – Thistle Down, Wild Rose, Blue Belle and Shy Violet. Which of the flowers do you most identify with? 

Thanks so much for joining us today, Sherrie! Folks, make sure to comment because Sherrie is giving away a copy of Wild Rose. (North America only)

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