Get Lost in the Highlands!

Folks, please help me welcome a friend of mine who also write Scottish stories! Although, Vonda’s stories take place a few centuries earlier than mine. Let’s get to know Vonda Sinclair!

Vonda Sinclair’s favorite indulgent pastime is exploring Scotland, from Edinburgh to the untamed and windblown north coast. She also enjoys creating hot Highland heroes and spirited lasses to drive them mad. Her historical romances have won an EPIC Award and a National Readers' Choice Award. She lives in the mountains of North Carolina where she is no doubt creating another Scottish story.

When Chief Dugald MacKerrick's ancient and priceless jeweled dagger is stolen, he follows the suspected thief and abducts his young wife to use as leverage to get his dagger back. During his mad dash back into the Highlands, he is incensed to realize he's attracted to his beautiful captive who is more trouble than she's worth. To his further annoyance, this blond Frenchwoman isn't who he thinks she is. She's Camille Bouchard, cousin of the Countess of Draughon, and has no connection to the thief. But maybe the real prize isn't the dagger at all, but the lass.

Camille isn't sure she wants to be rescued from the Highland rogue who has kidnapped her. She likes his bold, take-charge attitude and his determination to reclaim his dagger. Much to her dismay, after a few stolen moments of passion, she finds herself falling for the kilted devil. But Dugald's destiny as chief is to marry the daughter of another chief, not the illegitimate daughter of a Frenchman. How can she possibly give him up once this adventure is over?

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ALEXA: How often to you get lost in a story?
VONDA:I would love to read a lot more than I do but unfortunately there's not always time for that. I have a lot of responsibilities and things that keep me busy outside of writing so I try to spend as much free time as possible writing. Of course, reading inspires me to want to write more so I have to fit a little in a few times per week.

ALEXA: What’s your favorite “love” word?
VONDA:Love is my favorite "love" word. :) It's the most powerful force in the universe and the reason I write romance.

ALEXA: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
VONDA:Dirty Dancing. I think this was an iconic movie for a generation. It contained romance, fun, excitement and many life lessons about standing up for what you believe in, coming of age. To not be judgmental. How you can do things you never dreamed possible. How the best things in life can come from unexpected places.

ALEXA: Fairy Tale or Action Adventure?
VONDA:Both combined and merged into a story that is highly romantic and filled with adventure… that's what I write.

ALEXA: What is your favorite trait about your hero in Stolen by a Highland Rogue?
VONDA:Dugald is incredibly determined to reclaim his valuable dagger. I admire that sort of perseverance. It isn't the monetary value that's important to him. This dagger is very special and ancient. It has been in his clan for generations. He feels he let down his late father when the dagger was stolen. He was not guarding it carefully enough. And now he may have prevented his future children and descendants from having it. Despite his willingness to do almost anything to get the dagger back, including kidnapping, he shows compassion to his hostage.

ALEXA: What does it mean to love someone?
VONDA:To accept someone unconditionally and not place any sort of judgment on things they do. To understand that person, or at least try to. To accept them, imperfections, flaws and all because no one is perfect.

ALEXA: High Heels or Hiking Boots?
VONDA: Hiking boots for hill walking in Scotland. :)

ALEXA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
VONDA:For Highlander Unbroken my upcoming novel, the idea for a dark, troubled Highland hero came to me while listening to the song Demons by Imagine Dragons a few years ago. I then had to figure out how to work it into my series. Once I discovered Maili's brother Neacal MacDonald, first introduced in My Captive Highlander, had a tortured past, literally, I had to write about him. For my novella, Stolen by a Highland Rogue, since my second book (My Wild Highlander) came out I'd wanted to write a story about Camille, a secondary character and the French cousin of the heroine (Angelique). Camille seemed to be a fun person who used weapons and wasn't afraid of a little adventure and danger. She has faced dangerous men in the past, so I knew being kidnapped wouldn't faze her. She would stand toe to toe with the braw Highland warrior and tell him off for abducting her. It was a fun story to write.

ALEXA: Describe an absolutely perfect day.
VONDA:A sunny day in Scotland touring an amazing castle, or hiking to a beautiful place and taking a thousand photos. My recent trip (September '15) to visit Castle Tioram in Scotland comes to mind. It was about 20 to 30 mile drive from our hotel out to the ruin on the remote west coast. My friends and I stopped at several places along the way to take photos of beautiful old bridges, lochs, rivers and mountains. The drive for many miles along a single track (one lane, two way traffic) was tedious and tiring, but once we arrived and saw the castle ruin in the distance on a tiny island in Loch Moidart it was all worth it. We walked a short distance across a sand bar, which the tide sometimes covers over. It was amazing and wonderful to visit the castle that inspired the setting of My Captive Highlander and Highlander Unbroken. Castle Tioram was a MacDonald of Clanranald stronghold for centuries. It was abandoned hundreds of years ago but stands as lingering history that you can see and touch. I felt so fortunate and grateful to get to sit on the rocks for a short while and simply look at it and take hundreds of photos. We were not allowed inside because of the danger of falling masonry, but walking around it was fantastic.

ALEXA: What drew you to write in the genre(s) you do?
VONDA:A major love of Scotland. I think I'm obsessed with the country and I don't know why really, other than it's so amazingly beautiful and has a rich history. There's something about Scotland that resonates in my soul. Getting to visit Scotland and explore it is something I treasure.

ALEXA: What inspires you daily?
VONDA:Readers! I always get more inspired and motivated to write when readers contact me and let me know they're enjoying my stories

WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTOR/ACTRESS & WHY? This is difficult for me to answer because I don't watch that many movies. One favorite that comes to mind is Johnny Depp. I like his versatility and how he always plays unusual and interesting characters. I think he's incredibly talented at what he does.

ALEXA: Got a question you’d like to ask your fans?
VONDA:Do you read Scottish historical romance and if so what is your favorite thing about it?

Thanks so much for visiting us, Vonda! Folks, get busy leaving comments or answers to Vonda’s question. Why? Because she’ll be giving away Celtic earrings and a postcard souvenir from Scotland along with a tote bag swag pack. (North America ONLY.)

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