Harlequin Intrigue Author Barb Han Returns to the Blog!

USA TODAYBestselling Author Barb Han lives in Texas-her true north-with her adventurous family, a spunky golden retriever/poodle mix, and too many books (if there is such a thing). She loves romance novels, thriller movies, and cooking. Her favorite hobbies include hiking, swimming and skiing.

Let's find out a little bit about her latest release, TEXAS PREY!

The hunted becomes the hunter as the past threatens a small Texas town once again… 

Rancher Brody Fields stops cold when he receives a plea for help from Rebecca Hughes. The onetime love of his life, who was abducted along with her brother fifteen years ago, now believes the kidnapper has returned to tie up loose ends. Rebecca needs Brody's help bringing the kidnapper—or killer—to justice. 

For Brody, the job is risky, but the real danger is their unexpected Texas-sized attraction. As they uncover answers to difficult—and deadly—questions, Brody has a question of his own: Can he trust the woman who once shattered his heart?


Jan Schliesman: How often do you Get Lost In A Story?
Barb Han: Great question! I read almost constantly and I read most genres. Currently, I’m reading (and loving!) THE VINES by Christopher Rice. It’s the perfect read to carry me into fall.  

Jan: What’s the best part about living in Texas?
Barb: Hands down, it’s the people.

Jan: Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Barb: I’m a hybrid. I outline but then I let the story take over as I’m writing.

Jan: I can’t read a book that doesn’t have a happily-ever-after…damn you Nicholas Sparks. Have you always been drawn to the HEA?
Barb: Ha! He really can be cruel! I have always been drawn to HEA because I read for pleasure. If I wanted to be depressed or sad, I’d watch the news.

Jan: Do real life experience eventually work their way into your stories?
Barb: Absolutely. Writing is so much a part of who I am that it would be impossible to completely separate my fictional world from my real life.  

Jan:  How did you meet your husband?
Barb: I was out celebrating my birthday and (recently single) had just told my friends that I’d never dated a guy with black hair before. I literally looked up at that moment and he walked right past me. My friends laughed and said I’d never go talk to him. I took that as a dare, so I plucked up the courage and we’ve been together ever since.
Image result for m&m pictures

Jan: What beverage and snack always find their way to your desk?  
Barb: Plain M&Ms are creative fuel! As for a drink, I go with Chai Tea Lattes (YUM!).

Jan: Tell me about the first message you received from a fan. Did you jump up and down or dance around the room?
Barb: The first piece of fan mail I received was actually an e-mail from a male fan. It was thrilling and there was excited screaming! My daughter wrote his name on my whiteboard so I could see my fan for inspiration anytime I wanted. She literally kept the list going until it took up the entire whiteboard. I have the best fans!

Jan: Speaking of dancing, which one was more fun…your wedding reception or the Harlequin party?
Barb: Well, this is obvious…the Harlequin party, of course! Ha! What can I say? Harlequin knows how to throw one heck of a party. Plus, my husband and I eloped in Las Vegas.


Barb’s GOTTA ANSWER:I feel like my answer is kind of boring but I LOVE chocolate chip ice cream!

Next up : TEXAS TAKEDOWN, book two in the Mason Ridge Series:
For security expert Dylan Jacobs, his little daughter is a light against the shadows of his past. But when the sexy ex-soldier locates missing Samantha Turner, the shadows return. Samantha is convinced their childhood nemesis—the Mason Ridge Abductor—is back. And that he's hunting her. 

Amid a hail of gunfire, Dylan commits to keeping Samantha safe—then nearly crumbles when his own child disappears. So when the villain poses a vicious ultimatum—turn over the woman he loves or never see his beloved toddler again—Dylan knows what he has to do. Put plan B into action

THANKS SO MUCH, Barb, for giving us a peek into your writing world!  Readers, check out the Rafflecopter below for your chance to WIN one of Barb's books!

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